Privacy Policy / プライバシーポリシー

About ad delivery / 広告配信について

Apps provided by MasaMisaApp use advertising services distributed by third parties.


Apps provided by MasaMisaGames use advertising services distributed by third parties.


These third parties may provide content and advertising and serve ads in response to cookies, advertising identifiers, etc. Please confirm from the link of the application privacy policy of the ad distribution company below.


User information / 利用者情報

Applications provided by MasaMisaApp use Microsoft Azure PlayFab for usage analysis. Data collected through the use of Microsoft Azure PlayFab is managed based on Microsoft's privacy policy.

MasaMisaAppの提供するアプリは、利用状況解析のためにMicrosoft Azure PlayFabを使用しています。Microsoft Azure PlayFabの利用により収集されたデータは、Microsoft社のプライバシーポリシーに基づいて管理されます。

Applications provided by MasaMisaGames use Microsoft Azure PlayFab for usage analysis. Data collected through the use of Microsoft Azure PlayFab is managed based on Microsoft's privacy policy.

MasaMisaGamesの提供するアプリは、利用状況解析のためにMicrosoft Azure PlayFabを使用しています。Microsoft Azure PlayFabの利用により収集されたデータは、Microsoft社のプライバシーポリシーに基づいて管理されます。

Disclaimer / 免責事項

The application provided by MasaMisaApp has been tested for operation, but it does not guarantee operation under all circumstances. Please note that we are not responsible for any damages caused to users or third parties in connection with apps provided by MasaMisaApp.


The application provided by MasaMisaGames has been tested for operation, but it does not guarantee operation under all circumstances. Please note that we are not responsible for any damages caused to users or third parties in connection with apps provided by MasaMisaGames.


Changes to privacy policy / プライバシーポリシーの変更

MasaMisaApp will continuously review the content of this policy and strive to improve it as necessary. The latest amended Privacy Policy will always be disclosed on this page.


MasaMisaGames will continuously review the content of this policy and strive to improve it as necessary. The latest amended Privacy Policy will always be disclosed on this page.
